Another week, another update from Plum Canyon! The mission had transfers this week, and as expected, Elder Wood remained in the Plum Canyon ward. Somewhat surprisingly, though, he has a new companion - Elder Dunaway was transferred elsewhere for his final six weeks. His new companion, Elder Krumbah, has been a missionary for one transfer less than Elder Wood has. They enjoyed determining that, of the 4 missionaries in their apartment, they have been serving for 6, 7, 8, and 9 transfers - a nice ascending sequence and what sounds like the start of a logic puzzle! In other fun transfer news, Elder Wood was tickled to see that his previous companion in Lone Pine, Elder Wright, has been transferred and is now companions with another Elder Wright, no relation. He jokes that with Elders Wright & Wright they must be the "most true and correct" companionship in the entire mission!
The big news this past week has been the hurricane approaching southern California. On Sunday after church, all of the missionaries in the mission were instructed to "shelter in place" meaning stay in their apartments. Elder Wood claims that it did rain pretty hard, and there were flood warnings in place, but nothing much actually happened, and he wasn't concerned. Of course, some other areas of California do have a lot of flooding, but I'm grateful that he wasn't impacted. There was also a smallish earthquake (magnitude 5.0 I think) somewhat nearby, which they did feel, but again nothing that caused damage or was concerning. As of Monday morning it was cloudy, but not actively raining, and some of the streets were drying out already, so it sounds like they're through the worst of it.
In mission news, they were happy to find form their door knocking, someone who has become a "yellow dot" - someone who is potentially interested in talking to them further. When they knocked, he said he'd always been interested in reading the Book of Mormon and would be happy to know more. That was a couple days ago, so they hope to stop by again soon, and if they're lucky he will become a "green dot" - someone they're actively teaching.
The final bit of news was their car trouble this week. Apparently a bolt fell out of their car somewhere in the suspension system. The car went out of alignment, but taking it in to fix that didn't reveal the actual problem. Then a few days later the car went into "limp mode" meaning it won't go over 15 mph. They took it to the dealership who was able to fix it, although they said at a cost of far too much (paid by the mission) and a couple days where they had to make do without it. They're very happy to have it back and running again!
Taken at district conference while they were getting ready to pose for a photo (I didn't get the actual photo...) |
Elder Wood's Lego creation from P-Day. This is apparently, his kitchen sink rocket, which contains all the non-Lego pieces he could find, including a kitchen sink. |
Ack! This is indeed a black widow, although thankfully they spotted it near a fence as they were walking along, and not in their apartment. |
Only one bird photo for you this week. |