Monday, October 17, 2022

Week 2 (MTC)

 Jared / Elder Wood has been a missionary for two weeks now. I don't know that he'll be writing blog posts for me to copy and paste, but he is sending me pictures and a few answers to questions, so I will include those here.

Spiritual things he learned this week: Sometimes the most mundane scriptures hold the greatest wisdom; stop a moment and think while studying. Baptism or the Sacrament complete the repentance process, hence why they're so crucial.

"The boys are here" - his district after arrival at the MTC, meeting with their teacher.

A senior missionary, Sister Marcy Topham, kindly sent me this photo after she and her husband met up with Elder Clove & Elder Wood, who helped them with a lesson

The district in front of the Provo Temple

Jared likes birds and is also apparently testing the zoom on his camera. Can you spot 5 birds?

Tree apparently lit up at night

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