Monday, January 15, 2024

Week 67 (Bakersfield 2nd)

Some sadness this week for the elders in the Bakersfield 2nd area - they have officially been declared a bike area! I'm not sure whether the car was taking too long to fix or other reasons, but now they have bikes. Elder Wood says at least it's better than walking! And since there is another companionship of elders nearby, they are often able to give them rides, especially for things like grocery shopping.

The bikes are apparently not of the highest quality (they belong to the mission and get moved around as needed). Elder Wood did some work on his but wasn't able to do everything. Apparently the bike is supposed to be a 21-speed (3 on the left, 7 on the right) but for some reason one of the shifts on the left doesn't work, so it's actually a 14-speed. He's missing the gears that let him go faster with less effort, which is too bad since he says the only hill in their area is the freeway overpass!

In news of some of their friends, Lupe is unfortunately still in the hospital, but apparently in a rehab program that is helping her. Their friend Isaiah, who they met last week, is still having great conversations with them, asking good questions and taking note. So they enjoy meeting with him about once a week. They also had someone this week who is apparently checking out different churches and wants to do a tour of the church building with the missionaries and learn a little more. They missed one appointment, but they're working to set up another one.

Elder Wood says not having a car makes everything move more slowly, since they can't cover as much ground, but they're doing well. They got to play Frisbee golf this week for their Preparation Day activity, since it's relatively warm outside and dry. He also filled his day with grocery shopping and a new haircut (maybe we'll get a picture sometime soon!)

The district after a Preparation Day activity (in the kitchen of the church building)

Bird photo #1

Bird photo #2 (maybe a woodpecker, he says)

Bird photo #3

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