Elder Wood had a great week this week! From a blogging perspective, I was happy that there were lots of pictures to choose from. But more importantly, from a missionary perspective, they had some really great experiences. This will likely be Elder Wood's final few days in this area (transfers are coming up on Thursday, and they know his current companion will be training someone new, likely in Bakersfield 2nd) so he's happy to head out with some great memories.
On Thursday they had a temple trip - they get to visit a temple about every 6 months, since there is none in their actual mission. Last time he was in the southern-most parts of the mission and went to the Los Angeles temple. Now, since he's more north, he got to experience the Fresno temple. He said it was great; a lot smaller than Los Angeles, but pretty. And there's TC, the Temple Cat, that he thought was quite cool. He doesn't know the full story, but it actually has a collar and air tags that say it belongs there, and it's often quite friendly. He also said their temple session was a wonderful experience, so he's glad that he was able to be there.
In their next bit of exciting news, their 9-year-old friend AJ was baptized this week! They've been working with her for several months, so it was wonderful for her to be ready and for them to be there to support her. He was happy to have that experience. We also commented on how this was the second baptism in one of his area; the other being CJ back in Lone Pine, and why are all of the people that get baptized females that go by a two letter abbreviation ending in J? Who knows! But kind of a fun coincidence.
Final fun news was that their friend Isaiah, who has been more interested in a factual/curious sort of way, agreed to go to a baptism with them. He wasn't able to attend AJ's, but there was a baptism in a nearby Young Single Adult ward that Elder Wood and Elder Karren attended with Isaiah, and they said it seemed to be a really good experience for him. They have an appointment scheduled with him tomorrow and are looking forward to hearing more about how he felt about it.
That was about all the news, other than dealing with a little bit of rain while they were biking. So I'm sure he'll be happy to be transferred somewhere that almost certainly will be in a car again (the mission has few bike areas). We'll find out where next week!
Elder Wood at the Fresno Temple |
The group of missionaries visiting the Fresno Temple |
A pretty shot of the entire temple and grounds |
TC, the Temple Cat, who apparently was not feeling super photogenic that day |
A close-up of TC's collar and ID tag |
Bird photo #1: Apparently this is a Muscovy Duck. It's a bit ugly :-) |
Bird photo #2: A blue jay of some sort |