Monday, March 4, 2024

Week 74 (Bakersfield 2nd)

The exciting news this week is that your friendly neighborhood missionaries of the Bakersfield 2nd ward now have bike lights! Which means they don't have to be home before twilight. It sounds like the week was a moderately productive one, although Elder Wood was still a bit frustrated that a bike takes longer than a car.. They were able to have a good lesson with their friend Isaiah, who continues to ask questions. They think he may be asking more out of curiosity than actually wanting to learn from the Spirit, but they're hoping they can encourage him to come at things from a more faithful perspective.

They are also getting closer to having AJ ready for baptism - she's the 9-year-old girl whose family are mostly members already. She just needs to come to church a little more, but various family members keep getting sick. And they had a fair number of media referrals that came through this week - a nice product of them covering the geographical center of Bakersfield.

The Bakersfield 2nd ward had Stake Conference this week, which was a nice chance to hear from their Mission President and the leaders of the stake. Unfortunately it makes inviting friends a little tricky, since both the place and time are different than a normal Sunday. But they hope to have someone come next week!

In other exciting news, their district gets to do their temple trip this next week (I think they go every 6 months?) And they're going to the Fresno Temple, which he hasn't seen before, so he's looking forward to the opportunity. We were also talking about some of the tourism highlights of Bakersfield proper (he claims there aren't many) and he said that he does highly recommend the Creamistry ice cream parlor, which uses liquid nitrogen to get it frozen nice and quickly.

For photos this week I only had a bunch of birds to select from, so enjoy a few highlights!

Bird photo #1: A dove/pigeon

Bird photo #2: A nice photo of a soaring hawk

Bird photo #3: A bird I wasn't able to recognize

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