Happy Easter! Elder Wood wanted to share a message with everyone of 3 Nephi 11:10-11 (actually verses 1 to 17 are worth reading but he said since that's long, that 10 and 11 are the most important): "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world; and I have drunk out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given me, and have glorified the Father in taking upon me the sins of the world, in the which I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning."
The missionaries had several nice visits this week. They visited one person who is a good friend of a current church member, and had a good conversation with her; she seemed quite interested in learning more. They also stopped by an address they had and the man there said he is interested in learning more but didn't have time right then - he is a firefighter with an ever-changing schedule, so he says he'll give them a call when he has time to meet - Elder Wood is interested to find out whether he does! Another nice visit was with a partial member family, and when they found out that it's Elder Wood's birthday this coming week, they invited the missionaries to come back for a birthday dinner!
Elder Wood said that they enjoyed celebrating Easter, at church and afterward. A family in the ward invited them over for Easter dinner, which sounds like a fairly standard roast and potatoes and vegetables. But, the past part was the dessert, which was chocolate-covered strawberries, and they had actually tempered the chocolate; he claims that made them much more delicious! He also enjoyed receiving a combined Easter & birthday package from his grandparents, which included lots of candy that he's excited to share with the other elders as they watch General Conference this coming weekend.
For their Preparation Day today, the elders decided to stay put in the Kern Valley, since the drive to and from either of the other cities that their district members are in (Bakersfield and Tehachapi) takes over an hour and uses a large part of their day. Plus, the will be going to Bakersfield tomorrow for District Council meeting, as well as some grocery shopping (since the stores there are cheaper and have more selection than the ones way up in Kern Valley).
Hopefully you like seeing bird pictures, since that's all I got this week - enjoy!
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Pretty scenery, but actually a bird photo if you look closely at the power lines |
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Technically a bird photo - a rooster that they were dropping off to one of the members of their ward |
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Ducks with some pretty lighting on the water |
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A soaring raptor |
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A nice closeup of a crow |
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