Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Week 93 (Brimhall)

This week has transfers coming up in the Bakersfield mission. They won't find out more until later in the week, but Elder Wood thinks it's likely he's staying where he is, but "I expect chaos around me". It's possible that his area will be combined with another, or maybe not, or maybe the district will change. He'll find out! Mostly he's just hoping at the end of it he'll be in an area that has a car!

He says the biking is going okay, although of course it's hot. He did say that it's less the heat and more the bright sun that really bothers him, so having his new sunglasses has really helped him out. He's definitely a fan!

In missionary work this week, they were especially excited that Ryder, a boy they're teaching, is close to choosing to be baptized. He's about 10, and apparently a lot of his family are members of the church, but he's never been baptized. Apparently he has a cousin who recently returned from a mission, and he'd like that cousin to baptize him. They'll see how their upcoming appointments with him go.

There are a few other people that they're teaching, or have appointments to teach, but that was the main news that Elder Wood shared. He also mentioned that the stake he's serving in has asked him and his companion (and possibly other missionaries as well) to make short videos that they can share at their Young Men's Camp, which is coming up later this summer. Elder Wood is happy to encourage them to prepare for missions and service.

Elder Wood with some graffiti they found

Elder Smith with the graffiti

A restaurant sign they passed - apparently the only choice for dinner is pizza!

Bird photo #1: A little yellow bird, a bit blurry, but they enjoyed watching him bathing in a puddle

Bird photo #2: A blue bird

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