Monday, August 12, 2024

Week 97 (Brimhall)

This week was a better one than the previous. Elder Wood was happy that they got to have a baptism for Karen this week. She'd been taught by the sister missionaries who speak ASL, but will be a member of the Brimhall ward, so they all got to participate. Elder Wood said the opening prayer, and Elder Smith gave a talk about baptism. He reports that she was very happy, emotional, and excited, and that he was very grateful to be able to share in her baptism experience.

There were a few more lessons this week as compared to last, which was nice for the missionaries. They met with Patricia, an inactive member of the ward, who was happy to talk with them and also shared some of Elder Wood's hometown Tillamook ice cream with them. It was even an Oregon flavor - marionberry. Their friend Leslie that they connected with via door knocking seems to be looking forward to their appointment next week, and she even responds to texts in a timely fashion!

It hit the news last week that there was a small earthquake near Bakersfield (magnitude 5.2). Elder Wood confirmed that they did feel it, but there was no actual damage anywhere near them. I told him now he can consider himself a real California resident, having made it through his first semi-major earthquake.

This upcoming week is also one that the missionaries are looking forward to. On Tuesday they have their interviews with the mission President (these happen once per 6-week transfer). Then on Thursday they get to attend the Fresno Temple, which they are only able to do every 6 months. And, this weekend an apostle (Elder Gary E. Stevenson) is coming to the area and all of the missionaries will get a chance to hear from him, as well as other church leaders, in a mission-wide meeting. It should be an eventful week!

Bird photo #1 - A gray bird

Bird photo #2 - A blue bird

Wait, that's not a bird, that's a horse! Apparently they turned a corner in their car and a horse was coming down the road towards them. Not something you see every day!

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