Monday, May 13, 2024

Week 84 (Kern Valley)

The missionary work moved along slowly this week. None of their friends was able to meet with them or come to church. Never fun for the missionaries, but Elder Wood says they understand people have priorities, and their teaching moves at the pace that their friends dictate. The elders do have a meeting with the family they've been working with scheduled this week, since the family was too busy last week with other things. He is looking forward to meeting with them again!

But even with slow progress, Elder Wood is enjoying his time in Kern Valley, and he's happy to be there. Especially when the temperature in their area is in the 80s, and Bakersfield proper will approach 100 degrees this week! They were able to enjoy a hike on Monday morning for their Preparation Day activity, which would have been a lot less fun in warmer weather. Ruby the dog went with them (she loves hiking!) as they hiked by the lake, and went halfway to Lake Isabella peak. Apparently there are quite a few old mine shafts around the area. They're closed off now to humans, and protected since a lot of them now harbor bats.

We talked a little bit about board games today, one of Elder Wood's favorite pastimes, and about a few of them he's excited to play with his family once he's home this fall. He also said he's been working on his BYU application essays, in the hopes that he may be admitted there to attend after his mission. They do often admit returning missionaries, but not always, so all he can do is apply and find out!

Mostly bird photos this week, per usual, but he did get some nice bird pictures!

Their truck parked by the lake. Apparently missionaries in the mountain areas have a truck in case they need to deal with weather/poor road conditions.

A nice photo of a woodpecker at someone's bird feeder.

A bird way up at the top of a tree

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