Monday, May 20, 2024

Week 85 (Kern Valley)

As Elder Wood put it in our chat today, "Some weeks are slow weeks and that's okay." He and his companions are doing their best to connect with and teach people, and they rejoice when someone is ready to learn more.

The missionaries didn't have a lot by way of lesson this past week, but they did work and continue to work on connecting with some of the people that were referred to them. Their friend Deanne had to cancel an appointment with them because she's busy getting the Air BnB that she rents out fixed up. So, the missionaries told her they would gladly help her with doing that fixing up, and they have a time scheduled to meet her there and help out next week. Hopefully she'll be open to hearing a message from them while they're helping, but if not, they're happy to have service to do that can help her out!

The mother of the family that they've been working with unexpectedly had to have surgery this past week, so they haven't met with them but are praying that she'll recover well and quickly. It sounds like she's doing fine so far, which is great news.

This week the missionaries spent a lot of time driving around. They went to Bakersfield for a Zone Conference (which happily for me gets some pictures posted to the mission's parent Facebook page), and today visited Tehachapi for some shopping and Preparation Day with the rest of their district.

That was all the news for this week, but Elder Wood says he's doing great and feeling well and is excited about the work and service that he's doing.

Elder Wood's table at the Zone Conference lunch

The group photo from the multi-zone Conference. Elder Wood is back row, 5th from the right. 

Bird photo #1: A blue bird

Bird photo #2: An unidentified brown bird

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