Monday, October 7, 2024

Week 105 (Brimhall)

Elder Wood has finished his final Preparation Day in the mission, final Sunday, final church meetings, and all sorts of final milestones. But he still has a few more days and is looking forward to his last times of being a full-time missionary.

This past week they only had one lesson, with Ryder (the recently baptized 9-year-old). But Elder Wood said it was a great lesson, and that sometimes people have to go at their own pace, so it's okay that others of their friends have cancelled or otherwise not prioritized lessons. The missionary's job is to be available and to testify. They did have a nice little experience when they were out one evening and a few teenagers stopped them to ask why they were so dressed up. The missionaries were able to share a short scripture message and give them some pass-along cards. And who knows what will come from the encounter? He said they seemed genuinely curious, not just being obnoxious teenagers.

The past few days have been good ones in the life of a missionary. On Thursday, the missionaries who are going home this transfer were able to visit the Los Angeles temple for an endowment session. Elder Wood says it was a great experience, and he was happy to be able to go again after being at the Fresno Temple in August. Then this weekend they had, as he puts it, two and a half member meals. That meant they had lunch at a member's house on Saturday and on Sunday, and then on Sunday night they had the Costco lasagna that they were given on Saturday.

And, of course, Saturday and Sunday were General Conference. He reports that it was awesome! They made cinnamon rolls to have for breakfast, and had snacks during the conference sessions. He said that it was awesome and that he loved it! I asked him which talk was his favorite, and he chose Elder Patrick Kearon's talk, "Welcome to the Church of Joy".

For today's Preparation Day, the district went bowling and then had lunch at In-N-Out Burger. Now there are 2.5 more full missionary days. Then on Thursday morning they'll meet everyone else for transfers, but the missionaries returning home don't meet a new companion and go to a new area. Instead, they'll have lunch together, have what Elder Wood called a "deorientation meeting", and enjoy dinner with President and Sister Burton at their house. Friday they will all head to the airport - he said at least per the missionaries he's talked to, they may all be on the same flight to Denver, and then spread out from there. Elder Wood's family is excited to see him in Portland!

At the Los Angeles temple

District Council meeting, with the two Zone Leaders in attendance

At In-N-Out Burger for a district lunch

Bird photo - in the tree at the temple

Bird photo - in the sky over the temple

Of course Moroni has a bird hanging out with him

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