Monday, September 30, 2024

Week 104 (Brimhall)

With General Conference coming up next weekend, Elder Wood has now attended his last church meetings as a missionary. Such a strange thought! They had a good Sunday, since their friend Ryder was baptized! They were happy to get to attend and see him make covenants with the Lord. Although the event wasn't without minor hiccups - the missionaries were responsible for printing the programs for the baptism, and as soon as they had done that they got a text requesting a change to them (and they also noticed a typo) so they had to print them again. They were pleased that the turnout was great - there were probably 60 or more people in attendance.

There was no real update this week on any of their other friends beyond Ryder. They unfortunately had some cancellations and ended up with no real appointments. But they still did their best to work to find contacts and meet with people. One weekend day they went from having no meal appointments to having both lunch and dinner, which they much appreciated.

This week they had interviews with the mission president, and Elder Wood thinks it's likely that the Brimhall area will be "pinkwashed". That means that both of the current elders will leave, and the two new missionaries will be sisters. Elder Wood says they will probably be ASL missionaries, and also that there are some single and younger women that the elders have a hard time teaching that sister missionaries could connect well with. Of course, Elder Wood knows his plans this next transfer - he'll be coming home! He's looking forward to his outgoing temple trip, which will be coming up this Thursday. He isn't positive, but believes they'll get to visit the Los Angeles temple. There is 1 sister missionary and 8 elders who are going home this transfer, so they'll all get to enjoy the temple trip together.

Only one more missionary phone call, next Monday, for us to look forward to!

District meeting this week

I looked and looked for a bird in this picture, but it turns out it's just a house Elder Wood thought I'd like (which I do! it's a nice shade of green)

Birds on some electrical wires

A robin (?) on a lawn

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