Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Week 100 (Brimhall)

A bit of a catchup after missing last week while I was out of town, but according to Elder Wood not a lot has changed, and it's been hot so he hasn't seen many birds. We've reached triple digits - week #100! This week was also the last transfer of Elder Wood's mission. He is still in the Brimhall area, but since his previous companion, Elder Smith, finished his mission and returned home, he has a new companion, Elder Culbertson.

Last week there was a leadership conference, and the missionaries all got to meet together with an apostle, Elder Gary E. Stevenson. Elder Wood says it was a wonderful and inspirational meeting. Then, this coming week apparently the Bakersfield stakes are being reorganized, so they will have another church leader come to help with that, although he wasn't sure who yet.

In terms of mission news, they've enjoyed having Karen (the recently baptized new member) coming to church, and they've had a few other visitors as well. One member of the ward brought a friend that is interested in talking to the missionaries. They've also continued to meet with Ryder, the boy who is interested in being baptized, and think he may actually choose a baptism date soon (after confirming when his grandparents will be in town).

That's about all the news I got this week, since we were out of the country and I wasn't taking notes. But for the rest of the mission I'll be more timely and up to date!

Elder Smith, Elder Wood, and a family in the Brimhall Ward

The entire mission together at the leadership meetings with Elder Stevenson. (Elder Wood is second row from the top, third from the left.)

A bird on a roof

A bird in the sky

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