Monday, September 9, 2024

Week 101 (Brimhall)

Elder Wood and Elder Culbertson are no longer in the California Bakersfield Zone. They are still in Brimhall, but with the organization of a new stake, the zone has followed suit and now they are part of the California Bakersfield West Zone. Such a difference! Actually, the main one is that Elder Wood is a little sad that the bishop of the Brimhall Ward is now a member of the new Stake Presidency, and thus a new bishop will need to be called. Elder Wood really liked working with this bishop, so he'll miss him.

The claim to fame this week is that the missionaries visited 5 different chapels, including all 3 Bakersfield stake centers, this week. It sounds like there were various reasons, including the Stake conference that reorganized the stake, zone conference, mission president interviews, and so on. But he was pretty tickled that they visited so many different buildings. As part of this week's zone conference, Elder Wood shared his farewell testimony; apparently that's a tradition for missionaries in their last transfer before going home. It's hard to believe he has 0 more zone conferences in the mission!

Missionary work is moving along this week. They met 2 teenaged brothers who are interested in their message, or at least claim to be, and look forward to meeting with them again. They also had an appointment scheduled this evening with Denise, someone they found while knocking doors. She had been out of town since they first met her, so Elder Wood was excited to get to have a lesson with her.

Elder Wood found his street!

Zone Conference (combined with all Bakersfield zones). Elder Wood is top row, 10th from the left

Candid lunch photo from Zone Conference

A combined district conference; I think this is basically their zone.

Bird photo #1: A nice view of this hawk

Bird photo #2: Lots of hummingbirds at the feeder

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